Blog 3 - A WHOLE MONTH?!?!

Let’s all go back to February 7th. This was the day i received a call from the transplant team! She had told me that there is a potential kidney out there waiting to be transplanted. This kidney was coming from a young adult aged 24 or 25. The kidney did have HEP C, but i honestly didn’t really care, i knew they could take care of it. She said that they were waiting on another hospital to take the kidney or decline it. She would later call me with more details, that next day went on for what felt like forever. I didn’t get the call the next day. The family of the patient were still saying goodbye to their loved one.

February 9th felt like a long day too. In the morning Isaiah was working on our new kitchen table, so excited for that! As soon as I woke up in the morning, I was always checking my phone. Isaiah and I came home we started playing our favorite game ‘Stardew Valley’ along with one of best friends Michael :) We played all night to pass the time. Around 10:30 pm and I was getting really tired and thought i was going to head to bed, but something in my gut said stay up just a few hours longer. My gut was totally right, I got the call!!! I had to shower, pack a tiny bag of clothes, but I had everything else packed and ready to go. Call time was 5:30am at St Vincent Hospital down in Indy. DO you ever get so excited for something you want to leave early to get there. Yeah, that was me. We eventually hit the road around 1:30 it was about a 2-1/2 hour drive, so we got there early, but i was running on adrenaline.

Once we got settled into my room, they got all my vitals, took some blood, and then i rested a bit. Isaiah and his mom were in the room with me waiting until i went back for surgery. The waiting time was so long. By 12:30ish is when they started taking me down to the surgery area. I was just so excited i finally got the change to receive a new kidney. I had been waiting for so long. On the ride down Isaiah and my MIL were following right behind us. I began to cry. It was a mix of a lot of things happiness, anxiety, doubt of the kidney working, and my body accepting this new kidney. I had all my faith in the Lord because I knew this was His plan for me.

I don’t really remember much about after the transplant, but I do remember having a catheter in, and oh my gosh that thing burned so bad I kept yelling “my crotch is burning” over and over again. The good thing was, I was urinating into that bag, not just a little bit that bag was getting full. Fast. The kidney was working very well in my body, my body was accepting that foreign object. Man, was I ecstatic. This felt like a dream. That whole next week felt like a dream. after 2 days I was finally released to go home, I was really annoyed by the fact I had to go home with the catheter though. I totally understand why. I hadn’t peed the whole time, from when I first started dialysis almost 6 years prior. My biggest goals were to drink 100 oz a day. Boy did i struggle with that. I was going from being not allowed to drink too much water because itt just stays in your body until you do your treatment next, luckily, I did mine every night. I got used to only drinking on Stanley cup a day. Then all of a sudden, I’m supposed to drink 100 oz, no way. I did end up getting a few infusions of saline simply because I was not drinking enough water for that kidney. My next big goal was eating as much protein as I could. Living in Indy with my MIL and her husband was the best because Roger could COOK. He is an excellent cook and made sure we had protein for dinner. Chicken and rice, salmon, steak, hamburgers, SO GOOD and really helped in the healing process. A little shout out to them!

That first week was definitely hard, I needed that exercise, I couldn’t just be lying in bed all day. Which was my favorite thing to do before transplant, when I had no motivation or energy to anything. I got up and walked around just a bit enough to get some steps in. Then I would go right back to the bed. I tried to do that process at least 3 times a day.

The next few weeks went by really fast actually. I got up in the morning and had a whole routine planned out so that my day would go by smoother, and not to feel bored. Before transplant I had no desire to do anything in my hobby list. So, when I was bored, I would just go lay in bed and nap, which never helped because I would just wake up feeling terrible. After transplant I felt so much better. I would get up esh my face from last night, do my makeup routine (Maybe I’ll do a get ready with me video sometime?) Next, I’d go out to the dinning/kitchen area and do my bible lesson/ reading for the day. I started in genesis, because yes, I’ve read the bible, but did I fully understand it? No. So, I started the bible project to break down everything in Genesis. It really showed how much work, faith, and blessings the Lord had put into the earth, and how sin just entered and destroyed everything. It really helped open my eyes to how much I’ve missed just simply reading the bible every day. After the Lord’s time, I would do some sort of activity, my first favorite was designing my blog website for you guys. I know there’s a lot of people out there so curious about what I have been through. My second favorite was water coloring, I did watercolor when i was in high school and loved it. then, when I had to drop out of college, i got back into it, my grandpa had sent me stuff. Again, I then put it away and never played with it again. Post transplant I got back into it again and have been obsessed ever since. Ill include some pictures below. Just remember I AM a beginner LOL.

Now I am finally home with my husband and my boys, and I am happy as can be. we already planned out first vacation for the summer, CAN NOT wait.

thank you, guys, again for reading this, I’m sorry if its super boring, but that’s just me LOL ;) I’m trying my best to keep these coming out on Mondays, but sometime life gets a little busy, ya know. I do have a couple things you could pray for ( don’t forget you can email me with pray requests too!) I am getting a biopsy on Thursday to see why my Creatin number has slightly gone up, so pray for God’s hand do be there with me, as well as something that will give the doctors some answers as to why it has gone up a little. My Kidney Doc said not to worry about anything because they will find a way to treat whatever is going on. You will be hearing from me again next Monday, where i tell you the 2nd part to my beginning story :0

Have a wonderful and bless week!

Love Jazzzy with THREE KIDNEYS:)